Friday, March 11, 2016

Wes Anderson (objects) ; research

Wes Anderson; Objects

As I briefly mentioned on my precious post, I absolutely love how director Wes Anderson makes objects the protagonists of several of his images on film. Wes Anderson is definitely a very peculiar director, his aesthetic is very specific and unique. Once one familiarizes with his style, his pieces are recognized instantly.

Here is a video that shows a compilation of Wes Anderson's scenes taken from above, giving objects a very significant role in his stories, which I think is a very interesting element in his work. I think this will serve as inspiration later on when I have a clear story to tell.

I want the objects in my film to be very representational and symbolic. Wes Anderson shows us that we can tell a lot about someone based on their things. I want to introduce my character with objects that tell us who she is just by observing her belongings and how she interacts with them.

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